Sabí ku sèn: CompanyWorkshop
An in-company 2.5-hour practical and interactive
session for your employees, where they get to work.
The workshop will have brief hands-on, but FUN exercises where we will teach and educate your employees on the principles of effective personal finances & money management.
In this high energetic Workshop, we will inspire your team about the benefits of managing personal finances and financial freedom.
During this workshop:
We will talk about the principles of personal finances
Apply effective zero-based budgeting principles & how to use it
Share insights on how to manage your money
Zoom in on Money Management Methods
Talk about the basic fundamentals of Wealth Building.
After the Workshop your employees will have learned:
HOW to apply money management tactics.
HOW to make a budget and stick to it
WHAT the biggest hurdles are that are keeping us from more financial freedom and how to overcome them
Basic information about the fundamentals of Wealth Building.
Sabí ku Sèn: Workshop starting at
excl. o.b.
Min. amount of participants: 10
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